Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

3 Image Optimization Tips for Faster Speeds & Higher Rankings


3 Image Optimization Tips for Faster Speeds & Higher Rankings

These three pragmatic tips will help you optimize images on your website for faster page speeds while preserving your UX.

DON’T Serve Unoptimized Images – Webp, Srcset, ImageKit, and more!

Unoptimized images leads to a bad user experience. Don’t make the mistake of serving massive images which leads to longer load times and frustrated users and customers.

In this video, we’ll cover a few ways to optimize your images for the web. You can start by using something like https://tinypng.com/ to compress your images. Then, you can take it to the next level with ImageKit.

ImageKit can dynamically create multiple different sizes of your images. When you combine this with the srcset propert in HTML, you can always serve the correct size depending on the user’s screen size and pixel density. It can also determine the optimal image format to send to the user based on the browser.

ImageKit docs : https://docs.imagekit.io/features/image-transformations
ImageKit blogs on resizing: https://imagekit.io/blog/tag/image-resizing/
Srcset with Kevin Powell – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QYpkrX2N48


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Best Practices For Image Optimization And Page Speed Performance

In this video i’ll be going over how to optimize your images for search engine optimization. Images aren’t often seen as like the biggest ranking factor in google but it is important to ensure that you’re optimizing them to be seo friendly.

The main elements that are important for image optimization include adding alt text including big captions for your image as well as optimizing your image title and the URL for the image. i’ll run through how to do that if you have a wordpress website and go through some of the different things that you may want to consider when uploading images to your wordpress site.  

The two main things you can do one make sure your images conform to the size dimensions of your website. The other part is to make sure that you are compressing your images. This will ensure that your images are lighter and that your page will load faster as a result. You can also use several plugins like smush or imagify that will automatically compress images as they’re uploaded to your website.

3 tips for page speed optimisation | Need-to-know

Read our in-depth guide to page speed optimisation here: https://bit.ly/2YX5bcn

It’s never been more important to optimise your website for speed.

Faster website speeds mean a better user experience, higher rankings, and improved conversion rates.

If page speed optimisation isn’t already part of your SEO strategy, it needs to be!

But how do you speed up your website? If you’re asking yourself that question, you’re in the right place.

This video will look at three tips for page speed optimisation.

We’ve also written a full-length guide on this topic. Check it out using the link in the description if you want to learn more.

Tip #1: Optimise for Google’s Core Web Vitals.

There are three different Core Web Vitals.

Largest Contentful Paint measures how long it takes for your page to render.

First Input Delay measures how long it takes for your page to become interactive.

And Cumulative Layout Shift measures the visual stability of your page as it loads.

Make sure you optimise for all three Core Web Vitals.

They all play a key role in page loading speed – and are an important ranking factor for Google.

Tip #2: Optimise the critical rendering path.

Often, page speed problems are related to JavaScript.

Optimising a critical rendering path is one way you can solve JavaScript-related issues.

Work out which bits of JavaScript and CSS are required “above the fold” and then inline them, whilst deferring the rest of the code.

This way, the page loads as fast as it can, with minimal glitches.

And finally, tip #3: Optimise your image formats.

If you need to optimise your images, you may want to use the new WebP image format, instead of JPGs and PNGs.

WebP is a new image format offering significant bandwidth and disk-space savings.

Do you have any questions about page speed optimisation? Let us know in the comments below!

Webcertain specialises in international SEO, so if you need help optimising your website, contact us at [email protected]

3 Top Image Optimization Tips for Website #Shorts

GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights show a few image optimizations, but not all. Also, it is proven that the best image optimization for website practices are the ones that are included in the page/post-planning phase. This short will provide you with quick 3 image optimization tips to help you gain faster speed and better SEO in the long run.

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